10 Romanian idioms you can use to impress the locals
Romania is one of the most beautiful countries on Earth, and the people make it that much more enjoyable. If you want the full experience, you'll have to learn the language, and picking up on Romanian idioms is one of the main signs you've mastered it. Use them in the right situations, and you'll be sure to impress the natives around you.
E-commerce and climate protection: what can you do?
The ever-increasing impact of climate change is cause for e-commerce businesses big and small to make changes to protect the environment. Heightened productivity can often lead to a more dramatic environmental impact, but enforcing certain measures across your business can help you protect the climate, rather than hurt it. Here are some tips!
How international cultures interpret the @ symbol
Whether we're typing email addresses or writing in shorthand, the @ symbol has found plenty of use in recent decades. What you may not have realized, however, is that it has a different name and interpretation depending on where you are in the world. It also first arose long before the internet, and had an interesting path to where it is today.
Boxing Day | How your e-commerce business can benefit
The gifts don't stop at Christmas. Shoppers have already bought gifts for each other, and now they want to treat themselves. Learn how to market for Boxing Day so your e-commerce business can reap the benefits of this post-Christmas holiday.
Factors that influence international shipping costs
When you run an e-commerce business, international shipping rates can be some of the most varying and unpredictable costs you have to deal with. They're affected by everything from fuel prices, trade tariffs, and your transportation method to the weather and geopolitical events. We'll detail all those factors, and several others, as we go along.
How to start a successful internet business
It’s no secret that more and more people are trying to make money online, especially during the pandemic. Running a successful online business requires effort and time, but is also very rewarding. Continue reading for our top practical tips and start planning your business today!
How to handle international expansion as an e-commerce business
Even when you're only competing within your home country, there’s a lot to consider when running an e-commerce business. That can multiply tenfold when you decide to expand internationally. Many companies can't handle it because they ignore one vital factor or another, but we want to ensure you not only survive, but thrive around the world.
10 time-saving tools for content creators
Success as an online marketer or content creator depends not just on writing, but where you get ideas from, the language you use, and how you distribute content. Here is a list of ten tools to help you optimise your resources and creativity to get more eyeballs on your content, and more potential clients in your inbox.
All you ever wanted to know about the ampersand
The ampersand is perhaps the strangest (former) "letter" of the alphabet. It is a symbol created by combining the letters "e" and "t"—the rest, as they say, is history.
10 French idioms to impress your francophone friends
Learning idioms in your new language not only helps you master the lingo faster, but you get a sense of how the locals express themselves! Here are 10 easy (and fun) French idioms to start you out!